The permission from Rostechnadzor

 The permission from Rostechnadzor

In order for Russia could legally use in hazardous industrial sites certain technical devices should be mandatory to obtain such a document as permission of Rostechnadzor. Making such permissions assigned to the central body of the Federal Rostekhnadzor as well as at its regional offices. It is regulated by permits Administrative Regulation approved by Decree № 112 of the

All of the devices to which you want to issue permission of Rostekhnadzor made ​​to the list, which you can learn by reading the Rostekhnadzor and the Order of the Federal Law № 116. Further to the list, there is also a list of technical devices, to obtain permission by Rostechnadzor for accessed directly at the central office, regional offices can not  issue such a document .

Rostekhnadzor permission may be issued by the applicant for the equipment, of both domestic and foreign producers, used in hazardous occupations.

You can get this document to:

A single technical device;
Party products;
Production line;
Complex equipment, the components of which interact in a single system;
A specific type of industrial products.

The whole procedure of registration of such document as Rostekhnadzor permission is based on the technical documentation. Evaluation of the implementation of all standards and requirements of industrial safety devices in accordance with established standards, regulations and laws. As a rule, the certification body to process an application, as well as the adoption of a decision is not given more than 2 months from the date of registration of the application.

In the case when it comes to protection equipment, it is imperative that registration of another document – a certificate in the system protection equipment. If the product itself is a means of measuring, or included in the set of measurements, it is necessary to issue the certificate of type approval of measuring instruments.

Permission of Rostekhnadzor is issued for up to 5 years. Such a document is valid for the entire territory of Russia.