Custom certificates for importing goods showing to agencies for custom clearance
Companies, carrying out foreign economic activity, form custom certificates of different types. There are some kinds of product, which are not obliged to have certificate of conformity. But they are few. Even if importing production is not subject to mandatory Russian certification, foreign firm – exporter or Russian firm – importer must have refusal letter VNIIS available, in which it is stated that Russian certificate on custom is not necessary. While custom clearance of goods supply and selling it on the territory of the Russian Federation, need in certificating goods and services is emphasized.
Custom safety certificates are necessary for the production, included to the list of goods subject to mandatory certification according to norms of GOST and State custom committee. Mandatory Certification in GOST Rsystem makes evident safety goods and services and is confirmed by quality mark (RST mark, Rostest mark). The main task of GOST R certification is a certification of wide range of goods subject to mandatory certification in case of importing it on the territory of the Russian Federation. Certification documents of origin of goods of A form are necessary for goods importing from countries – members of European Union, the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Yugoslavia and Turkey, which have tariff preferences.
Custom certificates of ST-1 form are for the goods, produced in countries – members of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent countries). This certificate document states receiving benefits in import taxes. Thus, for goods, importing to the Russian Federation may be necessary the following types of certificates, which give ground for import and selling product:
- Certificate of Conformance (Certificate GOST R, Quality certificate)
- Fire safety certificate
- Sanitary epidemiologic conclusion (Hygienic conclusion and Hygienic certificate)
- Refusal letter, including refusal letter from VNIIS
- Declaration of fire safety
- Certificate of origin
- Ecological Certificates Euro 2, Euro 3, Euro 4
- Conformance certificate of explosion protection
- Authorization (license) from Rostechnadzor
- Ozone conclusion.
One can address to Russian centers of certification to find out necessity of getting a certificate for one’s production, to consult with specialist and also to order document for import goods to Russia and selling them here. Please, send your question or order for certification to the specialists of our portal.