Certificate of conformity with technical regulations
All categories of products, equipment, and other objects of technical regulation, for which in the Russian Federation were issued Technical Regulations (abbreviated – TR), must obtain certificates of TR. Certificate of TR – an official document confirming that the object of certification complies with quality and safety, spelled out in technical regulations, which applies to this object. That is, for example, for butter, which is covered by the action of the Technical Regulations for oil and fat products, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity TR, rather than a certificate GOST R. The difference of Certificate of TR from any other certifications, including IEC, ISO, etc., lies in the fact that this document confirms the compliance is technical regulations, standards and not to the State or to any other normative act. It is important to note that the Russian legal basis for technical regulations may be Federal laws (FL) and the Resolution of the Government.
For what kind of products you need to obtain a certificate of conformity of TR?
Today in Russia adopted a number of technical regulations relating to very different products, including services and works, facilities and buildings, the processes of their production, storage, usage, transportation, etc.
In this case, any technical regulations contain the following:
• Mandatory requirements and rates of production, storage, transportation, sale and usage of products;
• The rules of the conformity assessment of its form and timing;
• The requirements for labeling and packaging rules of production of the object of technical regulation;
• A list of objects that are subject to the current technical regulations.
Thereby, when you are referring to the text of the technical regulations you shall be able to understand whether or not an object is subject to mandatory certification TR. Among today’s objects of technical regulation in Russia is milk, juice and tobacco products, fuel, fire safety, railway lines and transportation, etc. Due to the reform of the system of standardization and as its corollary introduction in Russia the Federal Law “Of Technical Regulation” day by day the number of objects of technical regulations grows, which is a positive trend and certification TR increasingly replacing GOST R certificate (many of them are out of date). It is important to note that with the entry into force of new technical regulations the conditions of certification of an object may change. If, for example, in GOST certification of the object it was not necessary required, then the result of the adoption of technical regulations it already may be required to make out a mandatory certificate TR. In this regard, if you have questions about the need to obtain a certificate for a particular object it would be optimum to appeal to specialists from certified centers – independent from producers and purchasers agencies, performing certification and which issue various certificates, including certificates of compliance TR. Representatives of the certification centers will tell you about the features of the certification procedure of TR.
Note that the differences between certification of TR and GOST are little, and the applicant passes all the same steps:
1. Collection of documents and making them available for certification center.
2 . Providing product samples for certification tests.
3 . Testing products for compliance with Technical regulations.
4 . The decision of issuance / non-issuance the certificate of TR.
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