Declaration of Conformity TR CU


Declaration of Conformity TR CU 

For products that are under the influence of any of the technical regulations of the Customs Union (CU TR) is necessary to make out such a document as a declaration of compliance with TR CU.

Declaration of Conformity TR CU – a document which is an official documentary evidence that the facility meets the requirements for the quality and safety of the technical regulations, the effect of which it is subject.

To make such a declaration, the applicant will need to test samples of the goods on their own or with a third party (an independent research laboratory), and then fill in the declaration of the trial data and file a certification center for registration. The declaration will be recorded and entered into the Unified Register of issued declarations (Unified Register of declarations CU).

Declaration TR CU – is an essential document that allows you to organize production and distribution facilities in the declaration of the countries of the Customs Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia), without the presence of this document handling products subject to technical regulations of the CU is prohibited and is illegal.

Declaration of Conformity TR CU: features, difference from other documents

Differ from the Declaration of GOST R Declaration TR CU acts on the territory of three countries of the Customs Union, and the first is only valid within the Russian Federation.

If we compare the declaration TR CU with the certificate TR CU, we can note the same legal effect in both documents, and the difference between them lies only in the fact that by the declaration TR CU responsibility for the quality of the object lies entirely only on the applicant and by the certificate TR CU – on certification authority. Thus, the information is entered in the declaration not on behalf of Centre of certification, but on behalf of the applicant.

Certainly, it is quite a significant question about what kind of products you need to execute a declaration of conformity TR CU.

Today there are received ​​and act a variety of technical regulations TC:

• About safety of fireworks;

• About safety of products for children and adolescents;

• About food safety;

• About safety of grain, etc.

To find out what products need to issue a declaration of conformity TR CU, you need to study the texts of relevant technical regulations. These regulations describe for what products you need to get the declaration and for what – Certificate TR CU.

Since the effect of periodically enter of new technical regulations vehicle and some of these regulations may lose their power (as, for example, some provisions of technical regulations for oil and fat products), the list of products for which you want to receive the declaration is constantly changing, as are some nuances of declaration of compliance of various objects. For this reason, if you have questions about the need and the characteristics of receiving the declaration TR CU for some objects it is better to contact to specialists of the companies involved in certification, declaration and registration of permits – centers of certification.

The applicant for registration of the declaration TR CU can be an individual or legal entity who is officially registered in the Republic of Belarus or Kazakhstan or in Russia. If you receive such a declaration to a foreign manufacturer, they should authorize a representative for this – a resident of one of these countries.


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