Euro Certificate
In the early 90s the UN established a commission to assess the effect of harmful substances on the future of mankind. And already in 1992, as a result of the assessment they implemented the ecological standard Euro.Russiais not left out of the problem and in 2006 we joined the fight for clean air with the Euro2. In2008, theRussian Federation adopted Euro 3.
The situation was a bit more complicated with the standard Euro 4. Its enactment was postponed and instead of 2010, it was put into effect only in January 2011.
Euro 4 certification certifies environmentally friendly vehicle. Such certification shall specify the number located in the exhaust of running car emissions.
The Certificate Euro 4 is available for trucks, cars and other equipment. Such permissive certification document fully confirms the fact that the vehicle was manufactured in compliance with all requirements of the law on the protection of the environment from emissions, in which the content of hazardous substances above normal.
It should be noted that for the production of various vehicles and machines with some design features, or features of the engine, you need to design certification document at different levels (Euro 2, 3, 4 or 5). Now for the importation into the customs territory of the Russian state car, you need a certificate Euro 4.
Euro 3 standard in Europe,Japanand theUnited Stateswas introduced in 1999. This explains the fact that all made since1999 inthese countries, cars, correspond precisely to Euro 3. But those already released after 2005 vehicles may qualify for the issue of such a document as a certificate of Euro 4.
The best way to obtain the certificate of the Euro is to receive it at the border by customs. Standard definition of the class is based on information. Another way to get the document is in the center of its design certification appropriate accreditation.
In general, the purpose of certification of the Euro can be considered the possibility of the normalization of the country’s best environmental conditions.
At the moment the Euro certificates 2,3,4 are not relevant any longer . Instead of them, they are issued certificates of Euro 5 , and in Russian Federation – Certificate of Motor Vehicle Safety ( SBKTS )